Dart Language Overview By Example II
Information drawn from
String interpolation
To put the value of an expression inside a string, use ${expression}
. If the expression is an identifier, you can omit the {}.
Here are some examples of using string interpolation:
’${3 + 2}’ ——–> ‘5’ ‘${“word”.toUpperCase()}’ ——–> ‘WORD’ ‘$myObject’ ——–> The value of myObject.toString()
Conditional property access
To guard access to a property or method of an object that might be null, put a question mark (?) before the dot (.):
The preceding code is equivalent to the following:
(myObject != null) ? myObject.someProperty : null
You can chain multiple uses of ?. together in a single expression:
The preceding code returns null (and never calls someMethod()) if either myObject or myObject.someProperty is null.
Collection literals
Dart has built-in support for lists, maps, and sets. You can create them using literals:
final aListOfStrings = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
final aSetOfStrings = {'one', 'two', 'three'};
final aMapOfStringsToInts = {
'one': 1,
'two': 2,
'three': 3,
Dart’s type inference can assign types to these variables for you. In this case, the inferred types are List<String>
, Set<String>
, and Map<String, int>
Or you can specify the type yourself:
final aListOfInts = <int>[];
final aSetOfInts = <int>{};
final aMapOfIntToDouble = <int, double>{};
Specifying types is handy when you initialize a list with contents of a subtype, but still want the list to be List
final aListOfBaseType = <BaseType>[SubType(), SubType()];
Getters and setters
You can define getters and setters whenever you need more control over a property than a simple field allows.
For example, you can make sure a property’s value is valid:
class MyClass {
int _aProperty = 0;
int get aProperty => _aProperty;
set aProperty(int value) {
if (value >= 0) {
_aProperty = value;
You can also use a getter to define a computed property:
class MyClass {
List<int> _values = [];
void addValue(int value) {
// A computed property.
int get count {
return _values.length;
Optional positional parameters
Dart has two kinds of function parameters: positional and named.
Positional parameters are the kind you’re likely familiar with:
int sumUp(int a, int b, int c) {
return a + b + c;
// ···
int total = sumUp(1, 2, 3);
With Dart, you can make these positional parameters optional by wrapping them in brackets:
int sumUpToFive(int a, [int b, int c, int d, int e]) {
int sum = a;
if (b != null) sum += b;
if (c != null) sum += c;
if (d != null) sum += d;
if (e != null) sum += e;
return sum;
// ···
int total = sumUpToFive(1, 2);
int otherTotal = sumUpToFive(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Optional positional parameters are always last in a function’s parameter list. Their default value is null unless you provide another default value:
int sumUpToFive(int a, [int b = 2, int c = 3, int d = 4, int e = 5]) {
// ···
// ···
int newTotal = sumUpToFive(1);
print(newTotal); // <-- prints 15
Optional named parameters
Using a curly brace syntax, you can define optional parameters that have names.
void printName(String firstName, String lastName, {String suffix}) {
print('$firstName $lastName ${suffix ?? ''}');
// ···
printName('Avinash', 'Gupta');
printName('Poshmeister', 'Moneybuckets', suffix: 'IV');
As you might expect, the value of these parameters is null by default, but you can provide default values:
void printName(String firstName, String lastName, {String suffix = ''}) {
print('$firstName $lastName $suffix');
A function can’t have both optional positional and optional named parameters.
Last update on 23 Apr 2020