ES6 let and const

ES6 let and const

Information drawn from

There are two ways for declaring a variable (let and const) plus one that has become obsolete (var).


let declares and optionally initializes a variable in the current scope. The current scope can be either a module, a function or a block. The value of a variable that is not initialized is undefined. Scope defines the lifetime and visibility of a variable. Variables are not visible outside the scope in which they are declared. Consider the next code that emphasizes let block scope:

let x = 1;
  let x = 2;
console.log(x); //1

In contrast, the var declaration had no block scope:

var x = 1;
  var x = 2;
console.log(x); //2


const declares a variable that cannot be reassigned. It becomes a constant only when the assigned value is immutable. An immutable value is a value that, once created, cannot be changed.

Primitive values are immutable, objects are mutable.

const freezes the variable, Object.freeze()  freezes the object.

The initialization of the const variable is mandatory.


Last update on 20 Apr 2020
