Constructor pattern
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This is a class-based creational design pattern. Constructors are special functions that can be used to instantiate new objects with methods and properties defined by that function.
It is not one of the classic design patterns. In fact, it is more of a basic language construct than a pattern in most object-oriented languages. But in JavaScript, objects can be created on the fly without any constructor functions or “class” definition. Therefore, I think it is important to lay down the foundation for other patterns to come with this simple one.
In this example, we define a Hero class with attributes like name and specialAbility and methods like getDetails. Then, we instantiate an object IronMan by invoking the constructor method with the new keyword passing in the values for the respective attributes as arguments.
// traditional Function-based syntax
function Hero(name, specialAbility) {
// setting property values = name;
this.specialAbility = specialAbility;
// declaring a method on the object
this.getDetails = function() {
return + ' can ' + this.specialAbility;
// ES6 Class syntax
class Hero {
constructor(name, specialAbility) {
// setting property values
this._name = name;
this._specialAbility = specialAbility;
// declaring a method on the object
this.getDetails = function() {
return `${this._name} can ${this._specialAbility}`;
// creating new instances of Hero
const IronMan = new Hero('Iron Man', 'fly');
console.log(IronMan.getDetails()); // Iron Man can fly
Last update on 20 Feb 2020