Flyweight Pattern
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This is a structural design pattern focused on efficient data sharing through fine-grained objects. It is used for efficiency and memory conservation purposes.
This pattern can be used for any kind of caching purposes. In fact, modern browsers use a variant of a flyweight pattern to prevent loading the same images twice.
In this example, we create a fine-grained flyweight class Icecream for sharing data regarding ice-cream flavours and a factory class IcecreamFactory to create those flyweight objects. For memory conservation, the objects are recycled if the same object is instantiated twice. This is a simple example of flyweight implementation.
// flyweight class
class Icecream {
constructor(flavour, price) {
this.flavour = flavour;
this.price = price;
// factory for flyweight objects
class IcecreamFactory {
constructor() {
this._icecreams = [];
createIcecream(flavour, price) {
let icecream = this.getIcecream(flavour);
if (icecream) {
return icecream;
} else {
const newIcecream = new Icecream(flavour, price);
return newIcecream;
getIcecream(flavour) {
return this._icecreams.find(icecream => icecream.flavour === flavour);
// usage
const factory = new IcecreamFactory();
const chocoVanilla = factory.createIcecream('chocolate and vanilla', 15);
const vanillaChoco = factory.createIcecream('chocolate and vanilla', 15);
// reference to the same object
console.log(chocoVanilla === vanillaChoco); // true
Last update on 20 Feb 2020