LitElement Lifecycle 2
Information drawn from
* Implement to override default behavior.
firstUpdated(changedProperties) { ... }
Params: changedProperties: Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. Updates?: Yes: Property changes inside this method will trigger an element update.
Called after the element’s DOM has been updated the first time, immediately before updated is called.
Implement firstUpdated to perform one-time work after the element’s template has been created.
Example: Focus an input element on first update
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
textAreaId: { type: String },
startingText: { type: String }
constructor() {
this.textAreaId = 'myText';
this.startingText = 'Focus me on first update';
render() {
return html`
<textarea id="${this.textAreaId}">${this.startingText}</textarea>
firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => {
console.log(`${propName} changed. oldValue: ${oldValue}`);
const textArea = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(this.textAreaId);
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
* Implement to override default behavior.
updated(changedProperties) { ... }
Params: changedProperties:Map. Keys are the names of changed properties; Values are the corresponding previous values. Updates?: Yes: Property changes inside this method will trigger an element update.
Called when the element’s DOM has been updated and rendered. Implement to perform some task after an update.
Example: Focus an element after update
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: { type: Number },
prop2: { type: Number }
constructor() {
this.prop1 = 0;
this.prop2 = 0;
render() {
return html`
<style>button:focus { background-color: aliceblue; }</style>
<p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p>
<p>prop2: ${this.prop2}</p>
<button id="a" @click="${() => this.prop1=Math.random()}">prop1</button>
<button id="b" @click="${() => this.prop2=Math.random()}">prop2</button>
updated(changedProperties) {
changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => {
console.log(`${propName} changed. oldValue: ${oldValue}`);
let b = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('b');
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
// Await Promise property.
await this.updateComplete;
Type: Promise: Resolves with a Boolean when the element has finished updating. Resolves: true if there are no more pending updates.false if this update cycle triggered another update.
The updateComplete Promise resolves when the element has finished updating. Use updateComplete to wait for an update:
await this.updateComplete;
// do stuff
this.updateComplete.then(() => { /* do stuff */ });
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: { type: Number }
constructor() {
this.prop1 = 0;
render() {
return html`
<p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p>
<button @click="${this.changeProp}">prop1</button>
async getMoreState() {
async changeProp() {
this.prop1 = Math.random();
await Promise.all([this.updateComplete, this.getMoreState()]);
console.log('Update complete. Other state completed.');
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
Overriding updateComplete
To await additional state before fulfilling the updateComplete promise, override the _getUpdateComplete method. For example, it may be useful to await the update of a child element here. First await super._getUpdateComplete(), then any subsequent state.
It’s recommended to override the _getUpdateComplete method instead of the updateComplete getter to ensure compatibility with users who are using TypeScript’s ES5 output (see TypeScript#338).
class MyElement extends LitElement {
async _getUpdateComplete() {
await super._getUpdateComplete();
await this._myChild.updateComplete;
Control when updates are processed
Implement performUpdate:
async performUpdate() {
await new Promise((resolve) => requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve());
Customize which property changes should cause an update
Implement shouldUpdate:
shouldUpdate(changedProps) {
return changedProps.has('prop1');
Customize what constitutes a property change
Specify hasChanged for the property. See the Properties documentation.
Manage property changes and updates for object subproperties
Mutations (changes to object subproperties and array items) are not observable. Instead, either rewrite the whole object, or call requestUpdate after a mutation.
// Option 1: Rewrite whole object, triggering an update
this.prop1 = Object.assign({}, this.prop1, { subProp: 'data' });
// Option 2: Mutate a subproperty, then call requestUpdate
this.prop1.subProp = 'data';
Update in response to something that isn’t a property change
Call requestUpdate:
// Request an update in response to an event
this.addEventListener('load-complete', async (e) => {
console.log(await this.requestUpdate());
Request an update regardless of property changes
Call requestUpdate():
Request an update for a specific property
Call requestUpdate(propName, oldValue):
let oldValue = this.prop1;
this.prop1 = 'new value';
this.requestUpdate('prop1', oldValue);
Do something after the first update
Implement firstUpdated:
firstUpdated(changedProps) {
Do something after every update
Implement updated:
updated(changedProps) {
Do something when the element next updates
Await the updateComplete promise:
await this.updateComplete;
// do stuff
this.updateComplete.then(() => {
// do stuff
Wait for an element to finish updating
Await the updateComplete promise:
let done = await updateComplete;
updateComplete.then(() => {
// finished updating
Last update on 14 Apr 2020